Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Saved By The Sis

David froze, checking his pockets. Where was the money?
 David spent his entire four years of high school working afterschool everyday for that money. “Honey, time to eat”, hollered his mom.”
“ Yeah just a second, I have to finish reading this page”, which was a complete lie. “Okay, well hurry up, we got to make it to the bank before it closes.”  David scurried frantically around his room, tearing apart folders, opening and closing drawers.  “David, David? Are you finished yet?” called his dad. “Just about, replied David”. David walked briskly along the staircase, his hands shaking, his legs trembling and mouth quivering. “ “David what happened?”, whispered the sister. “I can’t find the money, last time I checked the envelope was in my pocket ready to be deposited”. “David why didn’t you just ask, you left the envelope in the living room, I picked up and put it on your desk”, reassuringly said  Molly. “Oh well you could of told me, but thanks anyways sis, I owe you one.” David never felt so relieved in his entire life before.

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