Friday, November 19, 2010


Of all the books I've read my favorite book was Shug written by  "Jenny Han".  This  book was filled with with romance, drama and reality,like a typical teenage book. It reminded me of all obstacles you go through when you are in pre-teen years. Many readers can realte to this story in a number of ways.
 In this book Annemarie had a normal life up until her father had started  working more. While the dad was gone there was drama between all the family members.  On the  outside the family  acted as if nothing was wrong, but on the inside they all hurt of something.  Seeing that they are only a family when dad's home but when e leaves they go back to sadness. As I thought, I was not able to connect to this part yet some of  my friends may and many readers as well.
    As  the  family played a big factor the boys were becoming an even bigger problem to  Annemaries middle school life. Like most of us , she used to be the girl that said, " ewhhh you have cooties". Since we all go through that change when boys are no longer gross or those girls aren't mean anymore,it's changed into well  "he's nice or she's kinda of cute".  Many of my friends and I can relate to this because we are going through that transition right now. For example as of right now there is  thing called "going out" which means when a boy and a girl like each other.

    Since there is all the boys and family there then comes peer pressure though it's something that just about everyone in life  comes across. Throughout the story Annemarie had  been offered alcohol which she drank and afterward got sick.  Although she did because she was trying to be cool and be like everybody else. This is  a perfect example of how teenagers get in these situations.  About everyone wants to "fit in" but what is fitting in?   In the real world why would we all  be the same and do as one person does,even if it's wrong?

      Since  she was dealing with  peer pressure Annemarie was also facing the struggle of Middle school life.  Twelve and thirteen are the ages of when everyone is going through changes, figuring  out who they really are.  As some may have difficulties with grades and school work, others  may experience  different challenges. Besides when most of everyone is at different stages , that's when it's hard to get along with others. Therefore  this creates a bad atmosphere to learn in.  Above all middle school is one of the parts in life that you just  have to remember who you are.
     However the book "Shug"  taught many readers and I that middle school is filled with surprises good and bad. This book is likable  because many  pre-teens can make connections also this book makes readers stop and think or have thoughts while reading. " Shug"  tells just about every challenge or obstacle we go through during our pre-teen years.

1 comment:

  1. Nina this is amazing! The book sounds really good. I'll give it a try :)
