Friday, April 27, 2012


Throughout our life we all become sick at one point or another. Sickness can range from mild common cold to something as severe as cancer. Although what is under the surface is much scarier than what appears. Viruses not only negatively affect living organisms but are capable of affecting an entire society.
            Viruses are not living and are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Without a host cell they subsist as a protein coat or capsid covered by a membrane (Netdoctor). However with a host cell, viruses grow to be infectious and in some instances, cause serious damage. Since a virus isn’t alive they can’t reproduce; in replace they take over a host cell using its machinery to produce more of their own (Netdoctor). In some cases the very own host is our body and when that happens we typically grow sick depending on what virus is in us.  Viruses mainly carry negative effects on living organisms, they cause something as little as the cold to something as dramatic as cancer.

            Even though viruses are not visible to the naked eye, they are visible in many other places. Some viruses may start out as an itch but quickly worsen to a flow blown rash, commonly known as shingles or chicken pox (PubMed Health). On the other hand, a virus can start from a blood sucking insect, such as the mosquitoes. For example the West Nile Virus that started in Africa.  It is a disease spread by mosquitoes; the damage could range from mild to severe (PubMed Health).  While the West Nile Virus was spread from a mosquito, influenza was a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, lungs, nose and throat. After World War 1, influenza broke out and the virus killed over 20 million people (Mayoclinic staff).
Viruses may be harmful but they can be prevented and there are treatments available to those in need. Many mild viruses such as the cold, cough and flu can be treated with regular over the counter medicine or a vaccination shot.  Unfortunately there is no guarantee to stop viruses from spreading but there are ways to avoid it, such as washing hands, not sharing liquids and obtain frequent vaccinations.
Overall viruses are not healthy for living organism, as well as society. They cause many unfortunate issues and concerns. It is amazing how something so small can do so much damage to not only one person but to an entire city or even country.


A.D.A.M.Medical Encyclopedia. "PubMed Health." 2012. A.D.A.M.Medical Encyclopedia. 18 April 2012 <>.

Mayoclinic staff. MayoClinic. 2nd August 2011. 18 April 2012 <>.

Netdoctor. 2011. 18 April 2012 <>.

PubMed Health. 2012. 18 April 2012 <>.

"Viruses are not alive but affect living things." Cells, Heredity,and Classification. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, n.d. 148-150.


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