Friday, March 23, 2012

Point of View

Author's Note:  I chose to write in Aunt Alexandra's perspective. She came  into the book after part one. I believe we shouldn't have sympathy for this character because she doesn't show any understanding of Dill's and Scout's situation. They don't have a mother and  are growing up in the depression. Eventually  you will notice that Aunt Alexandra is nothing but strict and somewhat  a burden to not only Dill and  Scout, but Atticus as well.

 "Well I can't say much else  Scout,  I am disappointed in your behavior . The way you show yourself and present yourself is much like a boy of two years old, start behaving like a lady!"  Scout trotted of angrily to bed.  Million of thoughts were running  through her head. She  knew Aunt Alexandra was right but how come she had to be so mean about it. Back downstairs  Aunt Alexandra was  knitting and thinking to herself  what a poor girl, I do everything I can to make her become one of the ladies however she declines every opportunity I have given her. I can't help she is angry, it is Atticus fault for not raising those children with class…..if only Atticus knew what those children were getting into. The next morning rolled around and Calpurnia was doing her daily morning routine. Oh how it irritates me Atticus is letting a black lady  raise his kids. She don't know  a square from a circle. Scout scooted her chair out abruptly for me to say something but I kept quiet and decided I'd speak to her after breakfast was finished. The tension at the table was all too much for Aunt Alexandra so instead she decided to make a public apology. Even though she was right about scolding Scout, she knew it came off mean and ignorant. Deep down she loved her niece and nephew but for some reason it was hard to watch them grow up and not say anything.
 Eventually Aunt Alexandra grew tired of scolding her niece and her very own brother so she decided to leave with a note on the dining table: It read
"I have understood my stay here has been all too long and I must return to my family.  Best wishes Aunt Alexandra.

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