Tuesday, October 25, 2011


America is still considered to be a young country compared to others.  Among most girls my age, I couldn’t be more proud of our country. It has faced and overcame its hardships by sticking together and fighting until the end. There are many things that go into making a country like ours. I am proud its success and the people we see everyday making it a better a place. I am proud that I can wake up every morning knowing that I will be okay and that I have a roof over my head.  However what I take most pride in is our freedom. Sharing my own beliefs, my own opinions and my own values is important to me. I realize that everyone I am surrounded by has the same rights as me and we all have the tendency to take those rights for granted. I am proud that our country realized the importance of having freedom and the positive impacts they have on our country.

Friday, October 14, 2011


 Paragraph-   Fear, it's flowing through my blood , drowning  me with every step I take. Practically suffocating me.  What I am about to do next  may change my life forever  but fear is in the way , saving me from the risk but if I never try I will never know. Fear is in control and there is no way to stop it now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Short story: conclusion

      The  queen was furious when she  found out her son was madly in love with a girl that  he  was forbidden to  even look at. The queen  wasn't okay with this at all, she thought her son had gone crazy. She decided  to make plans to kill the beautiful Snow White, therefore  she  planned to  bring Snow White a freshly new  picked apple  however it was poisoned. While the queen was  on her way to deliver the apple she became very hungry  and started to become dizzy and light headed. Eventually she realized her only hope of making it was to eat the apple, I mean she figured it couldn't be that bad. She spoke to soon and before you know it the queen had taken the first bite.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Short Story hook

 Sensei- Chin-Chin was an old kung-fu warrior of his generation, he in fact was the best. Now at 75, he is and retired and living in Lake Park, Alaska. He was a master of yoga in North Korea and is currently working on finishing his novel that he has spent over two years writing. You may ask how he ended up in Alaska, well to begin he wanted to find an escape from reality and this was the only place available. He  spends his days at the local high school natatorium; he suffered from a severe cas of hypothermia while swimming laps and doing water aerobics. Unfortunately for him he can never swim again because they realized not  only did he have hypothermia, he was diagonosed with a deadly allergy to chlorine. It looks like  his swimming  days are done.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It was like any other day for Tom, waking up in the hospital bed and doing the normal everyday tasks that were ahead of him. Get up, eat then patiently wait for the nurse to check his vitals and slowly fall back to sleep again. When he was at the age of forty he lost his whole family in a tragic car accident, which only left him alive with a few broken bones. Now at the age of 88, he is dying of liver failure. This is a life no one would dream of having, however   he has managed to find a positive side to it with the help of Sally. Over the months spent in the hospital, Tom and Sally grew to know each other more and more.  He knows he is lucky to have her there for him: she’s all he’s got left to live for.  They created a bond no one could replace and it certainly wasn’t love but it was friendship, a valued friendship.
While Tom spent his days at the hospital, Sally spent all her life taking care of horses. Sally could not live without them, especially Rider.  Rider had long black hair that whipped through the wind, and remarkable size seizing anyone who stepped foot in his path. Sally wasn’t like other moms or wives, she had lived a long fulfilled life traveling overseas and working endlessly.  Her youngest son Troy recently left the house for collage in Madison. She used to go to every Friday night football game at Waterside High: her son Eric was the starting quarterback and he was very good indeed.  It hasn’t been easy since her kids have been out of the house.  Though she has found ways to cope while her sons were living their lives without her; she joined book clubs, she spent her Friday nights volunteering at the football games and varsity basketball games. Sally also volunteered at her church “Sheppard of the Hills” she was the youth director of Sunday school which kept her busy.
Sally  woke  up one  October morning feeling a slight cold, it was getting chilly outside and the leaves were starting to shed ,one tree to the next. She was happy that winter was just around the corner because it was her favorite season. She loved the smell, the sound and taste of winter.  Even her husband shared the love for winter with her. Her house was filled with Christmas accents here and there, tints of green and red spread throughout the house.  She walked downstairs preparing to leave for work, the news was shouting in the background like a little kid trying to grab his mother’s attention. Flood flash   warning signs were appearing on the screen in her area and already an accident was reported close to her job.   This frightened Sally but she was determined to make it to work in time to see Tom since he has been in a five hour surgery. She was informed earlier in the morning that the surgery wasn’t going as well as planned, this also worried Sally. Tom had just awakened from what to him felt like a very long nap, he was happy to see Sally in the recovery room.   A bouquet of flowers was grasped in her hands waiting to give them to him and a red box of chocolates neatly placed on the end of couch. They chatted for a while and then Sally was on her way home.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             She had reached the crosswalk and started to stroll carefully across.  All of the sudden Sally was knocked down by a big SUV that drove through the stoplight, furiously backed up and rolled over Sally for the second time. This stunned nearby drivers and they quickly dialed 9-1-1. The woman was severely injured, from what they could see in the dark frigid night. The ambulance hurried to the incident, and what they saw was something they never had seen before. She was brutally wounded from head to toe with bruises and scars covering her fragile body. The ambulance quickly rushed her to the hospital, of which she had worked at. Tom had just awoken from his nap, he felt rested and relieved. Though something didn’t feel right to him, something was missing and he knew exactly who it was. It was Sally, and he was surprised she wasn’t there even though he had just seen her an hour or so ago, but he was on heavy pain medication which left him a little confused. As he was walking down the hallway to the bathroom, Tom spotted  a women brutally hurt. She was being carried away on a stretcher, as he the strecther came closer he realized the women wasn't just any women it was Sally.  The ambulance found out her identity by an elderly man who said she currently works here and he claimed that it was his  nurse. Sally was in immediate care and soon to be whisked away to surgery. After four days, Sally didn’t wake up from the surgery. Ten days passed and still nothing, she was officially in a coma.  On October 31st Sally had awoken from the dark and opened her eyes finding herself in a hospital bed, she was as white as everything around her. Feeling tangled in endless amount of monitors and cords surrounding her upper body.  Troy glanced up at his mom to see that her eyes were open. Inside he felt relieved .He cautioned the nurses and doctors immediately.  Sally sat motionless with no expression; all she wanted to see was her husband and children.  A week passed and after she had woken up she was feeling much better, all   she remembered was feeling like she was in a tunnel. Sallly counted down the days until she left the hopsital. After  six long  months she was finally released from the torture and the pain.  She felt completely healed though her life will never be the same. Sally now only uses her left hand to write since she lost her right hand in the accident, which was her stronger hand. She has contuined life on with her horses and hopes of never returning  to that awful day of October 7th, the day her life changed for good.