Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The novel Bean Trees is told through the eyes of Missy, a small town girl with low hopes of ever becoming something more. Although one day she finally decides to take off from her all to simple lifestyle, and discover what the world has to offer for her.  Unfortunately it doesn’t happen the way she planned. After reading, I learned Missy’s honesty plays a realistic effect on the book. In some cases I rather not known the truth although in others I am glad we are informed. Unlike Missy, Lou Ann is on the opposite spectrum, she became exactly what Missy tried to avoid. Therefore Lou Ann’s perspective isn’t happy but a real  result of what happens when you are not careful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prediction Pieces

As far as I am in the book The Bean Trees I have noticed that Missy or should I say Taylor is not equipped to take care of the child that has currently been placed in the back seat of her car. However now that she has the baby Ia  have feeling,  that she will become mentally attached just like most people. "Taylor" doesn't have many options although the ones she does have are limited. Therefore if she decides to keep the baby she may not be able to live the life she always wanted.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Authors Note- I chose to write an essay on summer and how one summer can change the way you live forever. 

Many events occur during summer; some hit us without warning while others are just waiting to happen. These experiences can impact us forever; meanwhile others only impact us temporary. As for Ronnie her summer was nothing she expected. Ronnie was your typical teenager,” too cool for this, too cool for that.” Although on the inside she was much more capable than how she came off. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks proves that just one summer can change the way you live forever.
There are summer flings and then there are summer romances. Ronnie never experienced a real love until the summer leading into her adult years. Before Ronnie ever knew what love was, she was closed in, careless and pretended to be someone she was not. Many times summer romances hit with surprise and cause excitement however only last as long as the season. Ally the main character of The Notebook also witnessed life changing experience that summer romances created, even though it was only three months it influenced her entire life. No matter how short or how long experiences last in our life they do affect us more than we will ever know.

Summer is filled with romances and unforgettable memories, although many people use summer as a time to find themselves and re-invent.  Unfortunately Ronnie did not expect to change or have the summer she had unless it weren’t for her dad and Will. Surprisingly enough the people we surround ourselves with, influence how we choose to live our lives. Ronnie was surrounded by both positive and negative people; luckily she learned from the negative surroundings and grew from the positive surroundings.
Some of the most important relationships begin in summer and as for Ronnie that was her relationship with her dad. Starting from no talking to spending every day she could with him. From what I noticed Ronnie’s outlook on life changed after realizing the perspective of her fathers, it helped her develop into who she always was.
Throughout the season summer, we may find ways to re- invent ourselves, build new relationships and experience summer love. Some may be obstacles while others may be a whole new beginning. However it is what happens during those events that impact and influence us on how we live the rest of our lives.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Throughout our life we all become sick at one point or another. Sickness can range from mild common cold to something as severe as cancer. Although what is under the surface is much scarier than what appears. Viruses not only negatively affect living organisms but are capable of affecting an entire society.
            Viruses are not living and are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Without a host cell they subsist as a protein coat or capsid covered by a membrane (Netdoctor). However with a host cell, viruses grow to be infectious and in some instances, cause serious damage. Since a virus isn’t alive they can’t reproduce; in replace they take over a host cell using its machinery to produce more of their own (Netdoctor). In some cases the very own host is our body and when that happens we typically grow sick depending on what virus is in us.  Viruses mainly carry negative effects on living organisms, they cause something as little as the cold to something as dramatic as cancer.

            Even though viruses are not visible to the naked eye, they are visible in many other places. Some viruses may start out as an itch but quickly worsen to a flow blown rash, commonly known as shingles or chicken pox (PubMed Health). On the other hand, a virus can start from a blood sucking insect, such as the mosquitoes. For example the West Nile Virus that started in Africa.  It is a disease spread by mosquitoes; the damage could range from mild to severe (PubMed Health).  While the West Nile Virus was spread from a mosquito, influenza was a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, lungs, nose and throat. After World War 1, influenza broke out and the virus killed over 20 million people (Mayoclinic staff).
Viruses may be harmful but they can be prevented and there are treatments available to those in need. Many mild viruses such as the cold, cough and flu can be treated with regular over the counter medicine or a vaccination shot.  Unfortunately there is no guarantee to stop viruses from spreading but there are ways to avoid it, such as washing hands, not sharing liquids and obtain frequent vaccinations.
Overall viruses are not healthy for living organism, as well as society. They cause many unfortunate issues and concerns. It is amazing how something so small can do so much damage to not only one person but to an entire city or even country.


A.D.A.M.Medical Encyclopedia. "PubMed Health." 2012. A.D.A.M.Medical Encyclopedia. 18 April 2012 <>.

Mayoclinic staff. MayoClinic. 2nd August 2011. 18 April 2012 <>.

Netdoctor. 2011. 18 April 2012 <>.

PubMed Health. 2012. 18 April 2012 <>.

"Viruses are not alive but affect living things." Cells, Heredity,and Classification. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, n.d. 148-150.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Authors note- This is just a general abstract,feel free to offer criticism.

 Throughout my essay "Unconditional Love"  I was proving that when you truly love someone, you  learn to accept their past even it means there is a dead corpse involved. As Lydia had to learn to do from the short story "The Body in Henry's House." This theory goes for any relationship such as friendship as well as marriage. However in marriage you are in it for the long run so finding out the past after the fact is even worse.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No love

Author's note: This piece is a character analysis on Mayella Ewell from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.  I tried to analyze  her behavior,actions and relationships with other characters.

Mayella impatiently walked to the stand; she knew the guilt and pity she condemned would only grow when reminded about that awful day. Mayella thought to herself “What happens if they find out Tom is innocent? I love Tom and I know he loves me, at least I think he does; but why does it have to be this way?” After a few minutes of answering questions, Mayella completely lost all composure and it was evident that she was speaking anything but the truth. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee reminds us of how important love is because without love we may end up doing desperate things for it.
Mayella wasn’t the brightest girl in Maycomb County; however who could blame her?Growing up with no mother and an abusive dad does have its long term effects. Clearly Mayella’s behavior is evident through her actions and decisions.  At nineteen without a formal education, a problematic family, issues of neglect, and a “victim of “rape”, is not exactly the ideal life.  In some instances, it led her to act out by not having anything else important to do with her time and her life. The reason I say this, is because the paragraph on pg. 179 describes Mayella acting out on the witness stand. “Mayella stared at him and burst into tears. She covered her mouth with her hand and sobbed.” Now if  Mayella were telling the truth that outburst most likely wouldn’t have happened.
 Seeing that Mayella is weak, and doesn’t contain any self confidence resulted in her inability to have healthy or steady relationships.  If you’re not happy with yourself, it is evident that you don’t always have the best relationships with people, as this was proven to be true for Mayella Ewell. During the time being on the witness stand Atticus asked Mayella the question of friends and her reaction was very uneasy.  The witness frowned as if puzzled. “Friends”?  Clearly the only friend of her was Tom Robinson and he even said himself on page 197. “ Yes suh,I felt sorry  for her, she seemed to try  more’n  the rest of ‘em .”  Unfortunately she ruined the only two relationships she shared, due to her irresponsible behavior and self pity.
 Within the few chapters Mayella is present, she doesn’t change or alter in anyway; therefore, she is a static character. Even though she can’t help her situation she can do something about it. Unfortunately Mayella never realized the harm she caused to others and revealed the true coward she was. In all honesty, I should feel sorry for this character; however, she will not receive any sympathy from me or Atticus,Jem and the rest of the Maycomb folks who are aware of what is principle.
Underneath, Mayella just wanted to  be loved and to love someone back. However, it is obvious that after time she only grew more desperate and more anxious.  She did anything she could for love,even if the person was not of her color.  Overall when it comes down to it,the color of your skin doesn't mean anything. As the saying goes “Desperate times calls for desperate measures.” Desperate for love, she forced herself onto a man she couldn't have, and by doing so, she made her own situation worse.


 Authors Note:  I have never published a poem before and this is my first, so it might be a little choppy. I incorporated syntactical patterns and repetition for emphasis on the meaning of moments and how they impact our lives.

There are moments we can’t replace.
Moments waiting to happen
 There are moments we hate
Moments we can’t get enough 
Days go by and moments pass
 Moments that went unnoticed
Days go by and moments stop
Moments that are unforgettable

 There are Moments we can’t help
And Moments we can help       
There are Moments we love
 And Moments we despise

Our life is al l one entire moment
 A moment only last so long
So make the most of your moment