Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The novel Bean Trees is told through the eyes of Missy, a small town girl with low hopes of ever becoming something more. Although one day she finally decides to take off from her all to simple lifestyle, and discover what the world has to offer for her.  Unfortunately it doesn’t happen the way she planned. After reading, I learned Missy’s honesty plays a realistic effect on the book. In some cases I rather not known the truth although in others I am glad we are informed. Unlike Missy, Lou Ann is on the opposite spectrum, she became exactly what Missy tried to avoid. Therefore Lou Ann’s perspective isn’t happy but a real  result of what happens when you are not careful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prediction Pieces

As far as I am in the book The Bean Trees I have noticed that Missy or should I say Taylor is not equipped to take care of the child that has currently been placed in the back seat of her car. However now that she has the baby Ia  have feeling,  that she will become mentally attached just like most people. "Taylor" doesn't have many options although the ones she does have are limited. Therefore if she decides to keep the baby she may not be able to live the life she always wanted.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Authors Note- I chose to write an essay on summer and how one summer can change the way you live forever. 

Many events occur during summer; some hit us without warning while others are just waiting to happen. These experiences can impact us forever; meanwhile others only impact us temporary. As for Ronnie her summer was nothing she expected. Ronnie was your typical teenager,” too cool for this, too cool for that.” Although on the inside she was much more capable than how she came off. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks proves that just one summer can change the way you live forever.
There are summer flings and then there are summer romances. Ronnie never experienced a real love until the summer leading into her adult years. Before Ronnie ever knew what love was, she was closed in, careless and pretended to be someone she was not. Many times summer romances hit with surprise and cause excitement however only last as long as the season. Ally the main character of The Notebook also witnessed life changing experience that summer romances created, even though it was only three months it influenced her entire life. No matter how short or how long experiences last in our life they do affect us more than we will ever know.

Summer is filled with romances and unforgettable memories, although many people use summer as a time to find themselves and re-invent.  Unfortunately Ronnie did not expect to change or have the summer she had unless it weren’t for her dad and Will. Surprisingly enough the people we surround ourselves with, influence how we choose to live our lives. Ronnie was surrounded by both positive and negative people; luckily she learned from the negative surroundings and grew from the positive surroundings.
Some of the most important relationships begin in summer and as for Ronnie that was her relationship with her dad. Starting from no talking to spending every day she could with him. From what I noticed Ronnie’s outlook on life changed after realizing the perspective of her fathers, it helped her develop into who she always was.
Throughout the season summer, we may find ways to re- invent ourselves, build new relationships and experience summer love. Some may be obstacles while others may be a whole new beginning. However it is what happens during those events that impact and influence us on how we live the rest of our lives.